I wasn't even sure where to begin with picking favorites for 2017! I was privileged to journey alongside so many incredible families last year both as doula and photographer. Many of them were repeat clients and two were my own sisters - talk about emotional! New or repeats, all my clients have become so dear to me, each with such a unique and amazing birth story. Words fail, so here are a few pictures to give you a glimpse of 2017.
At just a couple hours old this sweet baby was already holding her head high to look at her daddy as they snuggled after a beautiful birth center birth -- sweetest thing ever! (Baby and Company)
The strong steady hands of her husband supported this mama through the birth of their second son at St Joseph's Hospital, Denver, CO.
Tears of joy streamed down mama's face as she finally held her son after a successful VBAC birth.
Admiring their perfect little bundle of joy! (Baby and Company)
These two big sister were over the moon about meeting their baby brother!
Suspended between two worlds about to take his first breath!
The face of my brother-in-law after the birth of the miracle baby he and my sister had waited years to meet! ALL.THE.TEARS!
The faces of love and relief after baby girl decided to make her fast and furious entrance on the car ride to the birth center! I met them on the rode and followed the ambulance to the hospital where this picture was taken. (Swedish Medical Center)
A midwife's gentle touch calmed this sweet girl during her newborn exam. (Baby and Co)
An amazing water birth in the peacefulness of her own home, surrounded by family and supported by two amazing midwives.
Two of my dearest friends with their sweet baby during his NICU stay.
This dad was just glowing with admiration as he enjoyed some skin to skin time with his third son.
My sister after the birth of her fourth baby! She braved a blizzard to make it to the hospital just in time to deliver and I walked in the room with 10 minutes to spare! (St Anthony, Frisco, CO)
An amazing belly birth (c-section) I had the privilege of photographing. (Skyridge Medical Center)
All smiles after this empowering birth center birth! Even baby looks like she's smiling! (Baby and CO)
Such a privilege to get to capture these twin girls and their parents during their NICU stay.
First kisses
The shocked face of a mama who just found out her surprise baby is a GIRL!
First moments with her son after a beautiful water birth. (Baby and Co)
Cutest yawn ever! (Rose Medical Center)
The face of a little boy who has just met his new best friend (his little sister!)